Son Kul Lake

Son Kul in translation Last Lake is situated in a basin between the Sonkultau and Moldo Tau mountain ranges at an altitude of 3016 meters above sea level. The lake stretches 27 km in length and 18 km in width, reaching depths of up to 14 meters. It stands as the second-largest lake in Kyrgyzstan, with a mirror-like surface area of 278 km². Son Kul Lake is of tectonic origin, fed by small rivers flowing from the surrounding mountains, and it gives rise to the Son Kul River, eventually joining the mighty Naryn River.

During the summer, the water temperature warms up to 11-12°C, and from November to May, the water surface is frozen. The lake appears like a precious gem set in the expensive frame of snow-capped mountains. The surrounding landscape exudes pristine power, something ancient and mysterious. The untouched beauty of the lake and its surroundings creates an incomparable picture. Depending on the weather, the waters of Son Kul display different colors – sometimes violet.

The landscape around the lake primarily consists of alpine meadows, and in summer, the ground is adorned with vast expanses of edelweiss flowers (listed in the Red Book), along with many other bright, elegant, and sometimes very rare flowers. Moreover, the lake’s shore serves as a home for 66 species of waterfowl that usually spend time here from May to September. Many predators, such as snow leopards, red foxes, and foxes, inhabit the wild shores of the lake.

In summer, the inhabited areas around the lake have historically attracted shepherds from Kochkor, Naryn, and At-Bashy. Therefore, you have a wonderful opportunity not only to stay in a traditional dwelling, a yurt, but also to quench your thirst with the national Kyrgyz drink – kumis. It is prepared using a special technique from mare’s milk and possesses many healing properties.

Son Kul captivates many tourists with its extraordinary beauty and the breathtakingly pure air.

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